четвъртък, 29 септември 2011 г.

Kiril and Metodiy

Soon I heard bad news from a teacher of mine. She told us that students all over the world thought that cyrillic alphabet is made by Kiril and Metodiy. Yes, that's right. What's the point of this publication then? They said that Kiril and Metodiy are Russians. Please?! Even there names don't sound like that, people. They are known as the brothers from Salonika but that doesn't mean they're Greek, too. Salonika, in this years, has been part of Bulgaria. And guess what? The Bulgarians have made the cyrillic alphabet.
And it's time for you to find out who the Bulgarians are and what they've made for the world. Do you know that John Atanasoff's father is a Bulgarian, too? His surname is absolutely Bulgarian.
And what about Bulgaria? She's small beautiful country next to the Black Sea. Don't mess our great nature and country with our politics. You'll get lost.

петък, 23 септември 2011 г.

The One

                                                    "Six billion people in the world, six billion souls... and sometimes all you need is one." P. Sawyer (OTH)

        I found the one. He, who loves me for real. Who deserves all my thoughts, all my days and nights. Who gives me flowers without any reason. Who makes me laugh. Who makes me cry. Who kiss me passionly. Who takes me everywhere with him. Who is not afraid to tell "I love her." Who tells me I'm beautiful. Who is having fun with me. Who knows what I like and what I love. Who knows what I really can't stand. Who understands me. Whose thoughts are close to mine... And more, and more...
Tell me what more can I want...

вторник, 13 септември 2011 г.


How much I love spending my time with you. You are so cute, so kind. I can tell you everything and you are not afraid of telling me I'm wrong. You tell me I'm beautiful, you send me flowers, you hug me, you kiss me. What more could a person want? Maybe all the time of the world to spend it with someone like you. We talk for hours and you're never rude, I never get bored or tired. I just love you...
But where are you? I don't know the taste of your lips... When I turn off the computer, you're out of my life... like you've never been there. I search for you but I can't find you.
'Cuz you're just a virtual illusion. You're there behind the PC screen but I can't touch you. You're just an username, baby, and this is just a chat room. In real life you're so far away... and I know it, you'll never be there when I cry. Maybe you want to be, but we will never be together. The distance is the reason...
I can't continue living in a virtual reality, I can't kiss the monitor instead of hot lips... But I can't leave you, too... Now your username means all the world to me...

сряда, 7 септември 2011 г.

About me

I am Aneliya. I think I told you few days ago. I really like my name. It just sounds... like me. I can't ever imagine me with different name. Aneliya is so womanly.
What else can I say? I am 18. Oh, it was really long time dreaming of that age. So many things I can do right now. And so many - I can't. When you gain something, you lose something. It's the world's oldest game, you know. I don't wanna be any older. 18 is enough.
I have sister - little one. She's 15. Not so little in fact. She looks my age even a little older, but she's not. She's called Slavena. I have always dreamt of an older brother. But since I am the first child in our family that is impossible. So now my brother and my best friend is my lover Franc. We spend so much time together. And he knows probably anything about me. :)
That was the second article about me. Expect a hundred more. I am so selfish! :D Joke! Have a good time.

петък, 2 септември 2011 г.


Is that right? We are all becoming smileys - these cute little pictures that we use to express our feelings when we communicate virtually. And we do it much more than talking face to face, than hugging, than kissing... That's sad!
We really need to spend more time with our friends, not on the computer. If we continue the same way, soon we'll become just smileys - they won't even remember our faces. They'll think about us like little yellow head, smiling on the screen.
Nowadays, there's always something known as virtual love. I can't even imagine what's like to love someone who you haven't ever seen. You need a really good imagination - to feel his kiss, for example.
People are getting more and more strange! They lose their lifes. There are so much emotions to be lived! But instead of the real ones we live the imaginary ones.
Don't you think the time has come to switch off the computer and to switch on living to the max? :)