четвъртък, 26 януари 2012 г.


Have a look at my last drawing.

My room

My room is my temple. Especially when I don't expect guests. There are so many things out of the places that they should be. They're books and notebooks on the bed. Of course, I'm a writer by soul, and when I need them, they have to be there. I work on the table. I have a laptop on the table and pens and pencils and chocolate, of course. I'm so chococholic. There are clothes on the chair, there is a bag on the chair. And I feel really good here with my things.

вторник, 24 януари 2012 г.

вторник, 17 януари 2012 г.

неделя, 18 декември 2011 г.

Colouring 2

These days I study a lot - in fact, I solve math problems. However, I have some free time and then I draw or write... or colour. That's my last coloured picture.

And one of my drawings:

The next picture is technique with pastels and colour pencils: